The Step up Work Centre is a member directed day program that was designed for individuals who are living with the effects of an acquired brain injury in the community. The Centre is operated by and for its members. It’s currently serving over 40 members and continues to grow. Members work together to support one another in the pursuit of personal goals. In the process members develop the skills and self-esteem needed to regain meaningful and productive lives.
The Step up Work Centre encourages community re-entry, the rebuilding of social relationships and the necessary skills required to return to the workforce It provides the necessary link in the rehabilitative process that assists one in transitioning from therapy to the community upon discharge.
Opportunities at the Centre enhance quality of life, improve skills and overall independence thereby reducing the burden of care.
Outlines membership:
- Membership is voluntary and without time limits or constraints
- People are members of the Step Up Work Centre and not patients or clients
- Members choose the way they utilize the Step Up Work Centre
Admission Process:
Self-referrals are accepted. Referrals are also accepted from hospitals, physicians, health care providers, family members, community services and insurance companies. To obtain more information and/or arrange an appointment for a site visit please contact us at (613) 233-0111 or email: contact@biaov.org
Admission criteria
- 1. Have experienced a brain injury and be 18 years of age
- 2. Be free of severe behavioural challenges that would disrupt group activities or be a threat to others
- 3. Be willing to adhere to the Step Up Work Centre Substance Abuse Policy
- 4. Arrange his/her own transportation to and from the Centre
- 5. Have no medical problems that interfere with participation
- 6. Be capable of meeting personal needs & basic self-care independently
- 7. Be able to communicate with others through speech and/or assistive devices
- 8. Be willing and able to follow the guidelines
The Step Up work Centre team worked hard alongside its members and partner organizationsto provide a variety of resources. Aside from their daily working duties, members have the opportunity to participate in many workshops and activities that are both informative, interactive and educational.
We offer individuals
- Employment program:
- opportunity to return to paid work through transitional employment and independent employment
- Education program:
- assists members in taking advantage of adult education within its programs by utilizing the teaching and tutoring skills of other members as well as taking advantage of tailored adult education offered in the community
- Social program and building relationships:
- trememdous amount of opportunities to develop communication and socialization skills
Overview of a typical day
The Step Up Work Centre focuses on strengths, talents and abilities.
The centre is currently open Wednesday & Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Members can choose to participate in all or any of the 3 units: Kitchen, Environmental (Maintenance), and Administration.
Answering the telephone and recording calls, greeting visitors and providing tours when requested, mailing and faxing, membership updates, recreation planning, etc.
Menu planning, grocery shopping preparation and cooking a daily nutritional meal, kitchen maintenance, recycling program, etc.
ENVIRONMENT (Maintenance):
Organizing and maintaining cleanliness (sweeping/mopping, cleaning washroom, organizing lounge resources, painting, decorating etc.)
An opportunity to re-enter the competitive work-force with optimum support and opportunities for training in the member supported environment. Referrals for additional support are also available.